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Fremantle: Access All Areas - Taunton

Another day, and another opportunity to build connections and network. Today I ventured to Taunton, a beautiful little town I had never visited before in Somerset. This was because I attended the Fremantle: Access All Areas event. I have been to many workshops over the years which were lead by different media companies and networks that were interesting and beneficial in there own right; however, the structure of this specific event was one which left everyone who attended, irrespective of if they secured a position with the company, with genuinely useful knowledge on the industry.

The AAA scheme are hosting three events this year in: Stoke-on-Trent, Taunton and Carlisle. This scheme affords people outside of London to have an opportunity to experience 4 weeks training at Fremantle’s HQ. Whereby they cover accommodation/travel and they give 4 individuals the chance to experience different departments across the company.

The staff provided in depth insight into their career journeys and deep dived into the different departments from PR to Global Marketing to name just a few. The day was planned as such that we all had opportunity to personally speak to each Fremantle staff member and ask questions. This was amazing to learn about them more as individuals and allowed them to share more personalised advice.

I won’t go into too much detail in terms of content or structure with the final event being hosted at the end of the month, but if anyone in Carlisle or surrounding area has a passion for working in TV I recommend attending this workshop (which is free!) as it will leave you nothing but feeling more inspired to make a shot at getting a job in TV.

I have come away from this workshop feeling more confident in knowing what direction I want to take my career in, how to make my CV appealing and discovered more about the diverse and divergent work Fremantle and it’s sister companies create and distribute. I intend to apply to their 4 weeks summer trainee scheme as it is an opportunity to good to overlook, however I feel by just being present at this event I have benefitted from the company, and for that I am very grateful.

Here are a few of my favourite memos and quotes which I will remember from today:

- “85% of it is having the right attitude.”

- “Freelancing - you are only good as your last job.”

- “Platforms (non-linear) are our friends not foes.”

- “No two days are the same.”

- “You can fly quickly with the right attitude.”

To wrap up the day in short: try your best, don’t give up, be persistent, have common sense and bucket loads of passion. (Oh, and don’t forget to smile) :)

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