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Hello, again!

…And I’m back! It’s been a short while (nearly two years, sorry) since I have posted, and may I just add, what a busy two years it has been.

In that time I completed my second year at Bournemouth University with a grade I was very happy with, and completed the most incredible year internship at The Walt Disney Company EMEA Headquarters in Hammersmith. My role was Disney XD’s EMEA Programming Intern. I won’t go into too much detail now about the job as I will publish a post reflecting on my placement experience soon, talking all about the amazing time I had at the house of mouse as well as the self-development that I went through whilst living in London. (side note: I loved every second working/living there)

After that whirlwind of a year I now find myself in my final year, and final semester of university. It’s easy to get caught up in the work and forget to appreciate how far I have come since starting this journey of working towards a degree. I've been studying Media Production since 2014, (I studied a UAL creative media production course at college) 6 years of my life have flown by and it is because I love what I study. I will soon be starting the production of my graduate project and I am thankful for the past three years of creative freedom and professional/personal progression which I have experienced whilst at university. By no means has it been plain sailing but I have always and will always hold the mindset that trying my best is good enough and that is all I can ask of myself, it is what has seen me through this journey.

My graduate project is a topic I am incredibly passionate about for many different reasons, but ultimately it is purposeful and hopefully it could help even one person to overcome their personal problems. Much like with my placement story, I shall be sharing a post discussing the ins and outs of my graduate project in the not so distant future.

Speak soon, Emily!

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