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RTS: Meet the Professionals

With each Royal Television Society event I attend, the more motivated and inspired I become to enter the incredible world of the TV industry. This afternoon RTS Southern Centre hosted their annual “Meeting the Professionals” event at Bournemouth University. Professionals which studied in the southern region and local companies shared their words of wisdom and career journeys with students from BU and further a field. The panel lead by Gordon Cooper was insightful, encouraging and informative. It was helpful to hear from a range of people that are at different points within their career from entry level work to executive producers, it was useful in building an idea of different roles available and of potential steps I need to take to reach my next goal, that of: working in factual television.

The networking which proceeded the event was great in having one to one discussions with different industry professionals. Nothing beats having genuine conversations with those who work in the industry, being able to connect and understand them and their work is incredibly valuable.

An all important question was asked of the professionals, what makes an employable media graduate, their answers were clear:

  • Be open minded

  • Don’t have a boring CV, make it stand out!

  • Have good references

  • Don’t ‘pigeon hole’ yourself, go for different jobs

  • Having a driving license is necessary

  • Have a good attitude and be passionate

I already can’t wait for my next RTS event, their careers fair in London, which is taking place on Wednesday 12th February. This will be another great chance to meet like minded people and learn about new opportunities.

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