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Bollywood Gay (Digital Film University Project)

Film to be uploaded soon

The Brief

‘Under the skin’ was the title of the brief in which we worked under. The film had to emotive and reflect a current issue within our society. The duration of which had to be four to five minutes.


The Process

I took on many roles within this project and felt it wasn’t just an assessed piece but also a passion project of mine. The idea grew from a simple word, identity. I questioned who am I? What makes me different? I began to think more broadly about how minorities may feel, and who may not have a voice in main stream media. The research was primarily on social media. I soon came across Manjinder’s YouTube channel and other social networks, he is a Sikh LGBTQ+ activist who has written a book titled ‘Bollywood Gay’. We filmed Manjinder in his home city of Birmingham. The film followed the story of him battling with his sexuality not only within British society but also within an Indian household. His honesty and openness produced an interview which not only was eye opening into how we create stereotypes within society but also would be a film which would help many others who may relate to his experiences.


The Result

A film reflective of the progressive society we live in. A film reflective of the issues which still need to be challenged.

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