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Networked Media (Univeristy project)

Networked Media as a module has the purpose to expand our approach to design and to create modern divergent thinkers. Within my team of web developers and designers, I was the team leader. I specialised in design which enabled me to add to my technical and creative knowledge of print and web layout.


The Brief

This was a speculative design project, allowing conceptual ideas to develop and reflect what they would be like if they were in real life. The brief was simple in what it required of that we as a group must produce three environmentally friendly products which could be used individually or collectively. We were then asked to produce a website which would host these, the design must show these ideas in a professional and concise way which shows a clear understanding of design trends. One website & Two posters (Infographic and Marketing) was the work which was required from us.


The Process

Design is an interest of mine and found to be totally engrossed in this project. From choosing the colour pallet to creating icons communication not only with the other designs but the developers were key to producing a good piece of professional and consistent work. The work shown is just some of what I made, the poster was our group's marketing poster. Workshops entailed such subjects as flat design, fonts, colour etc.


The Result

My relationship with Adobe Photoshop and Illustrator is a lot stronger than before. I feel confident in using these software’s to produce work which meets a brief to which is met with a positive response.

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