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Blagg & Johnson

The Brief

Blagg & Johnson are a local Newark business specialising in steel fabrications, they wanted to modernise their branding and approached with the idea of a series of four short 30 second videos depicting each service in which they provide. To co-inside with the series they liked the idea of a one to two-minute business summary which they felt would suit their newly renovated website.



The Process

Regular meetings and communication of ideas was the key to success. With it being a business working to orders we had to base filming around what services were in use, this meaning in order to meet the short turn around asked we had to edit and film simultaneously which proved to be a productive approach. The graphics and music used create a package of videos which fit the story of what Blagg & Johnson are and capture the business in a way which our clients feel reflect them stylistically, accurately and professionally.  


The Result

The end result was a very happy client.


Here is a testimonial from Adam Lockley, Sales Manager.


“I recently approached Camo Media Productions as Blagg & Johnson were updating their image and were looking to have several short videos made illustrating who we are and what services we can provide. Camo Media helped with an initial meeting to discuss the layout of the videos and potential design ideas, with several meetings along the way they came up with five fantastic videos that far exceeded our expectations. Camo Media were very professional at all times and flexible to changes at a moment’s notice I found the experience pleasurable and easy to manage, they represented Camo Media well at all times. I would highly recommend Camo  Media Productions to anybody who is looking to increase their portfolio via videos or media in general.

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