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Loneliness (College Final Major Project)

My college FMP was an open brief, allowing me to produce how much and what ever style of content which I wanted. Traditionally others tend to choose to produce one visual production and accompanying promotional material, but in wanting to produce work which reflects my creative style, thinking and process of producing I wanted to my work to follow a theme.


Loneliness was the word which each element of my work focused upon, understanding what it is, how it affects people and trying to represent that in my work through various mediums, both literally and conceptually. I was a blank canvas and built my ideas grew from one another. This is my proudest work to date, it's personal and I wanted those who viewed this to connect to my work in which ever way they choose to interpret it.


I produced a short film, a series of visual portrayals of loneliness in different environments, conceptualized an exhibition and produced a photo article. Some images as evidenced. I find inspiration in many different ways and feel it is important to acknowledge and document where ideas transpire from. Vlogs were a new form of referencing to me and found them both to be a way of evidencing inspiration as well as expanding my technique skills in producing a video production.

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